Monday, March 21, 2011
Steps for Creating my New Blog Header
I had a lot of great suggestions for making a new header for my blog. I had no idea how to even start! After receiving several helpful suggestions, these were the steps I took:
1. I didn't want a frilly header because I liked my desert background, so first of all I needed a good desert picture. I used this website:
2. Next I went to and worked with the dimensions. That was the hardest part--I had to resize many, many times to get it to fit just right.
3. I was also able to work with the color of the picture a little bit. I softened the image and added more yellow to the sky which had been much more orange. I didn't want a stark contrast to my background.
4. Next I was able to choose a font--that was really fun. Picnik had some really fun fonts to choose from. I first chose one that looked really western, and it was cool, but it felt a little too masculine for me. I wanted a font that looked more like feminine writing.
5. Last of all I was able to choose a border. I liked many of the borders, and I'm not sure that I will stick with the one I chose, so you might see that change in the next few days.
I always liked art class in high school and working on this project had an artsy feel to it! Let me know what you think of the header and if you have any suggestions. I can take constructive criticism, I promise! :)
Love it!