Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Morning at Our Church

     I was saved when I was 8 years old at Loomis Park Baptist Church in Jackson, Michigan. From the moment I was saved I began to fall in love with God. God and I have been together now for 38 years. Just as in any relationship, God and I are sometimes close, sometimes not so close, and sometimes very close. I love it when we are very close. Of course that closeness is not determined by God's relationship with me, but my relationship with Him.
     I am always astounded in my walk with God when He takes me to another level.  Since our journey to come to 29 Palms began, God has been taking me and my family on our own personal journey of strengthening our relationship with Him.  Case in point:  The past couple of Sunday mornings, after my husband has preached what I believe are amazing messages, not that I'm at all biased, I have felt drawn to get on my knees at the altar and pray for my church, my family, and myself.  Last week my children joined me after I came forward. Today many, many others came forward to do their own personal business. After praying at the altar I was joined by one of our godly women, and we cried and pleaded with God. I am thankful for a church that is so sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and a people who love God and long for Him to work in our church. I am thankful for my own children who are seeing God work and begging for His power. I am amazed and blessed to have a husband who loves God so much that he was willing to follow God's will to wherever it took him. I am also thankful that my husband spends hours each week praying and searching the scripture in order to deliver the message God would have him give. I am thankful for the lives that are being changed. I am so thankful for all of these things that as I write this the tears are running down my face. 
     Thank you, Lord, for working in my heart today. 

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Whitehouse,
    I don't usually follow blogs, but when I noticed on Facebook that you had one, I knew I wanted to see what you had to say. I am so glad we have this way of "peeking" into your life and, in a way, keep in touch. Thank you for your words and your transparency, especially today. You have encouraged and edified my spirit with your testimony. --Theresa Stoneback
