Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday in the Ministry

Daryl and I went knocking on doors today inviting folks to church tomorrow.  We pulled into an apartment complex that was very clean, attractive and well-manicured with lovely palms lining the drive.  The temperature today was a perfectly air-conditioned 69 degrees, and a gentle breeze swirled around us as we walked from door to door passing out invitations to church. Each apartment in the complex had a white security door that we could not see into but the resident could see out of.  As each door opened, my husband would extend an invitation and chat with the shadow behind the door. Most of the people we met were older women, but at one door we could hear the unmistakable voice of a man. As Daryl gave his speech, the man behind the door said, "I know who you are," and  the opened the door to reveal a 13-year-old boy who has been coming to the church but had not been there in a couple of weeks. We laughed, and he laughed, and then he said he would be at church tomorrow.
     At another door we met a man who is about our age whom we had met at JC Penneys a few weeks ago. With very slurred speech he had told us how he had been hit on a motorcycle by a car that was traveling at 130 miles per hour. He should have been dead, but God spared his life. He also told us that before the accident he had been very conceited and full of himself, but now all he cared to do was to tell people about Jesus. We didn't know that day at Penneys if we would ever see him again, but we were pleasantly surprised to see him open a door also. He has a powerful testimony, and I'm glad we were able to see him again.
    In the past two days, my husband and I have knocked on about 75 doors. Not all of the doors were opened, but we met some wonderful people, and hopefully we will see some of them in church tomorrow. Daryl and I have always made a great team, but usually when it came to canvassing an area, we went with other people. We have learned that we really like going with each other best of all!--Gotta go; dinner's calling my name!

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