Saturday, March 19, 2011

Question for my Blogging Buddies

I would really like to do something with my blog header--like a border or something. Is that possible? I have already looked at several pre-made headers, but I like my blog background, so I don't want something fussy. I would love to have your help!


  1. 1. I create mine with either photobucket or picnic or my printing software (Printmaster).

    2. Save as a jpg. file on your computer.

    3. Go to Design and click "Edit" on your header.

    4. Add a file from your computer (said pic)

    5. Click the circle that says "Instead of Blog Title and description.

    6. Hit Save.

    Hope it works with your background!
    When looking at your blog I see a black background and a yellow banner. Today the title didn't show up. Not sure if it is my connection though. If you need help text me or email me.
    304-767-4570 (text) (email)

  2. Thanks so much, Sheri! I am at the church right now tryng to work on it. I tried some method I found online that messed with the template--that's why it looked so weird, but I have changed back to the default now. I haven't tried photobucket but will try it out this week. I really appreciate your input.-Laurie

  3. Yep, that's how I do mine, through photobucket or Piknic.

  4. Yes that's where I also create my headers photobucket. You can do it so many ways, one photo, or a collage etc.. then you add your title using their fonts. If you go to my header tutorial, there are other tips there too. If you prefer no picture and just your title with a fancy font, that works well too. I also use XHeader.

  5. Wow! I'm not totally happy with the blog header yet, but I did go to Piknic and worked with the header. The hardest part was getting the right size! The size ended up being 912X160--which I need to remember for future reference. Thanks everybody for your input.
